Why It’s Okay to Repel Prospects

A staid, boring presentation on your investment process won’t turn any prospects off, but it won’t move the needle either.

Asset management boutiques need to show more passion and personality in their marketing and sales efforts. And if someone doesn't love it, that's OK. 

In a recent Citywire video about how boutiques can punch above their weight, Havener Capital Founder & CEO Stacy Havener explained:

"Show your personality and share some of the things you are passionate about ... that resonates. The most important thing that we advise our clients is, you cannot be afraid to repel. In order to attract your true fans to you, you can't be afraid to repel the ones who aren't your true fans. If you try to speak to everyone, you essentially speak to no one.

That's a very scary thing to do. It requires a ton of vulnerability. But if you don't lean into that, again, you just end up putting wishy-washy maybes’ out into the universe.

Get more tips on how boutique asset managers can punch above their weight in this video:
Citywire Virtual Panel - Punching Above Your Weight.

How Can Boutique Asset Managers Punch Above Their Weight?

Thought Leadership: A Boutique Investment Firm’s Equalizer